<p>AVK Group</p>
<p>The AVK group has become a member of IAKS</p>
Member of International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities
Since 2009
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Swimming pools

Supply and installation of sports and technological equipment, timing and refereeing systems, scoreboards, video screens

Official representative 'Swiss Timing' '<p>Malmsten</p>' 'Sportsystem' '<p>Seicom</p>'


Firmenname: AVK GmbH
Adresse: Theresianumgasse 7/1/7, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Fon: +43 1 890 05 82
Fax: +43 1 890 05 82 90
E-mail: office@avkgroup.at

Firmenbuch-Nummer: FN 331849p
Firmenbuch-Gericht: Handelsgericht Wien
UID Nr. ATU 65182713

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Trends and Technologies: New Products by AVK

AVK GmbH Becomes the Exclusive Representative of DIGI PROJECT in Austria

Partners in Action: AVK Distributors

AVK GmbH launches a distributor program in the CIS, Georgia, and Turkmenistan

New Horizons

AVK Enters the Dutch Market: A Contract for Equipment Supply Has Been Signed