<p>AVK Group</p>
<p>The AVK group has become a member of IAKS</p>
Member of International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities
Since 2009
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Swimming pools

Supply and installation of sports and technological equipment, timing and refereeing systems, scoreboards, video screens

Official representative 'Swiss Timing' '<p>Malmsten</p>' 'Sportsystem' '<p>Seicom</p>'

Wrestling SportsEdit

Wrestling SportsEdit wrestling-sportsedit
This equipment is no longer supplied. Please search through the catalog for analogues.

Article: wrestling-sportsedit

Manufacturer: Swiss Timing

Model: Wrestling SportsEdit

Category: Scoring and Timing Systems

The Wrestling Competition Management System Wrestling SportsEdit is the result of many

years of intensive research and development. Wrestling SportsEdit complies with the

international Wrestling regulations and the current FILA rules.

Some basic features include:

- Indicatio of Wrestling-specific data such as tree number, draw number, style, date,
weight category, wrestlers data
- List feature (configurable lists, i.e. some of the content can be adapted in accordance
with the individual needs)
- Complete set of lists; available immediately after the contest is finished
- Numerous parameter settings available (list layout etc.)

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