Aluminium auto return hurdles

Article: AVDM1199
The aluminium auto return hurdle stands back on its own, allowing for greater training frequency.
Its all-aluminium design makes it an easily-transportable education aid, perfect for indoors or outdoors.
Made in EU.
Another sports equipment from category

Article: AVNO0053
Fully automatic aluminium hurdle. Adjustable heights from 762 mm to 1067 mm. Hurdle crossbar made out of plastic.

Article: AVDM1087
Colour: Blue, brown
Placed down or fixed (pin) with a handle. Comprised of 3 fixed blocks (1 in front, 2 at the back) covered with a synthetic cover. Very quick to use. No right—hand or left—hand adjustment. Made in EU.

With eight figures, manual operating, mobile.